The Puppet Show
This book is based on my own experiences of being a puppeteer and performing on the street. It stars the world’s most famous goat, and her mini troupe of aspiring sheep; in Dolly and Daisy’s Fantastic Fizzical Circus. We travelled many cities in many countries together with Dog and String Theatre and the Billy Holiday Show.
The viewpoint from the puppet stage offered a window into humanity. Experienced through the medium of an extrovert puppet, it created an opportunity to engage and participate with people from many different walks of life. The puppet had a voice of her own and a way of interacting that took over from my own inhibitions. She was liberated, free and full of heart. She pulled me along and out of myself. The book attempts to share these layers of experience and can be viewed in multiple ways. Exploring the relationship between the puppet and puppeteer, the audience and the show, the diversity of the street and where the two meet. This miniature world is a magic window, a place of connections, small acts of kindness, humour and exchange. |